Prescribed Burn at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve 5/5

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The US Forest Service, along with the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve staff, are conducting a prescribed fire at the preserve on Thursday, May 5, beginning around 10:30 a.m. The prescribed fire will be conducted in unit 10 of the preserve, assuming favorable weather conditions.

Unit 10 is 20 acres of the preserve with trails. Access to all trails at the preserve will be closed. The map below shows the burn unit.

Prescribed fires, also known as prescribed burns or controlled burns, is a form of land management that refers to the controlled application of fire to vegetation by a team of fire experts under specified weather conditions to restore health to ecosystems. They are conducted to reduce hazardous fuels, protect communities from extreme fires, minimize the spread of pest insects and disease, improve habitats, and promote growth. Intervals between prescribed fires vary widely and are dependent upon the vegetation type, climate and typography.

For more information, please contact Boyd Hill Nature Preserve at 727-893-7326 or visit

burn site