Press Conference Recap - Wastewater During Storm

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Press Conference Recap - Wastewater During Storm

September, 27, 2022

Public Works Administrator, Claude Tankersley, addressed questions and concerns about the City of St. Petersburg wastewater and sewage system at a press conference today. Here are the key takeaways for residents to know:

  • The City is NOT planning to turn off water during the storm
  • The City is NOT planning to turn off sewage during the storm
  • The City IS asking residents to REDUCE use of water during the storm (specifically when winds reach speeds of 45mph and throughout the duration of the storm)
  • Do not run dishwashers and laundry during the storm duration and limit use to showers and toilets.
  • The City has been PREPARING the wastewater facilities and infrastructure for an event like this
  • The City will be monitoring the systems and equipment throughout the storm, if storm surge reaches 15ft or more, certain equipment may need to be turned off for protection. This should not have a noticeable impact on residents.

For storm information and resources, please visit