Government Affairs

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Government Affairs

The Government Affairs Department advocates on behalf of the City of St. Petersburg's interests before all levels of government to make life better for those who live, work, and play in St. Pete.

Mayor's Press Conferences

Event Snapshots

International Relations

St. Petersburg's global reach strengthens its local economy and culture, making it a vibrant and internationally connected city. St. Pete has actively engaged in global outreach for over five decades. Programs and partnerships include the Sister Cities International Program, the St. Petersburg International Folk Fair Society, and the St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs. Click here for more information.

Legislative Agendas

Focusing on the vision that St. Pete will be a diverse, vibrant city guided by principled progress and intentional inclusivity, where innovation, partnerships, and ingenuity create opportunity for all – together, St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch and City Council, will work to make progress on the following priorities during each respective Legislative Session.

State Legislative Agenda

Federal Legislative Agenda

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Grants Awarded