The Firsts: Black History Month

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To be the first, in anything, means you’ve made a mark on the world. Achieving something no one else has accomplished before you. On a national scale, there are many figures that come to mind; Jackie Robinson, The Wright Brothers, Barack Obama, Sandra Day O’Connor. All legends. 

Closer to home, there are local legends.

The first black mayor. 
The first in a family to own a home.
The first African-American female to put on the SPFR uniform.
The first in a family to attend college. 

What does it take to be one of “The Firsts?”  What does it mean for the trailblazer? What is their legacy for those who came before them, and after them? 

The Firsts is an episodic video feature honoring City officials, City employees, and City residents who made history by being the first. Told in their own voice with an interview filmed in a meaningful location, and accompanied by relevant photos/video to support their story. What did it take to get here? Whose footsteps did they follow to get there? What does it mean to be the first? What does their story mean for the future?

See the stories here.